Сlimate office



  • Description



  • Price

About furniture elements prices and fitting of office furniture please contact with office.

Individual approach to each order.


  • Сertificates

DMSZ (Deutsche Managementsystem
Zertifizierungsgesellschaft) ISO 9001, 14001, 50001.


Video Climate Office


Green walls help to improve indoor climate and room acoustics in interiors, which has a positive impact on human wellbeing. The spaciously designed wall is vertically equipped with many small plants, which increase humidity in interiors and filter harmful germs or vapors out of the air at the same time. Green walls are also ideal for natural partitioning of open office spaces into working and meeting zones. Thanks to their consistent design, they can also be integrated in the C+P partition systems.




Water walls  increase humidity in interiors and produce a healthy indoor climate. A thin water film flows over a vertical glass wall: through passive evaporation, water is released into the indoor air, which prevents excess humidity in the room and the formation of undesirable mold at the same time. Suspended particles such as dust or pollen are filtered out of the air; fats or toxins adhering to the dust are neutralized.




Hedge elements are used as natural green partitioning in interiors and provide for optimal indoor air quality. As a highly efficient air filter, the green hedge covered all over with leaves can filter formaldehyde, benzene, or other harmful substances out of the air and convert them into oxygen. Combined with an acoustically effective filling, it can also be used to improve room acoustics.



Green partitions for absorption & shielding open spaces.




  • Models and configurations
Zala_siena_modeli_01 Zala_siena_modeli_02 Zala_siena_modeli_03 Zala_siena_modeli_04
Zala_siena_modeli_07 Zala_siena_modeli_09 Zala_siena_modeli_05 Zala_siena_modeli_06


More Information in the Catalog


  • How to order?

We develop 2D and 3D visualization of functional plans of premises according to the size of the room and according to your needs and desires.

For furniture configurations, please write to info@city-office.lv


We are Members of the Electronic Procurement System EIS


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 Office furniture
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 Lockers & Lodges
 Office dividing walls
 Auxiliary furniture and interior elements
 Green оffice



T: +371 67 277 774
M: +371 29 233 556, +371 29 519 270,
info@city-office.lv, projekti@city-office.lv
Office address: 125 Str. Lacplesa, LV-1003 Riga
Legal address: 125 Str. Lacplesa, LV-1003 Riga
© City Office 2007-2024